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Horns and Antlers

"As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after thee, oh God." Psalm 42:1
Image by Nicolasintravel
"The Contenders"
"The Contenders", 2023. 24"x48" Acrylic on Canvas.
*To purchase this original painting, please contact the artist.

Two impressive bull bison battle

it out for breeding rights and control of herd.

Image by Dawid Zawiła
"Wakeup Call"
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"Wakeup Call",  2022. 8"x16" Acrylic on Canvas


A majestic bull elk starts his day with a rousting bugle

Image by Lin Lone
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"Prairie Warrior"
"Prairie Warrior", 2019. 6"x8" Acrylic on Canvas 
Prairie Warrior Frame.jpg

A battle-seasoned herd bull stands watch over his herd from atop the hill.

Image by Annie Spratt
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"Sweet Springtime"

A young fawn, the herald of Spring, waits for her mother under the shade of a flowering tree. 

"Sweet Springtime", 2019. 5"x7" Acrylic on Canvas
Image by Krystian Piątek
"Just Moosin' Around"
Just Moosin' Around email.jpg
"Just Moosin' Around", 2019. 12"x16" Acrylic on Canvas. Custom Barnwood Frame
SALE $475.00
Just Moosin' Around Frame.jpg
*To purchase this original painting, please contact the artist.

A stunning bull moose enjoys a bath amongst the marshy reeds in a secluded forest.

Mountains in Fog
"Facing the Storm"
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As a blinding snowstorm blows in, a rugged mountain goat stands stoic against the blizzard's icy onslaught.

"Facing the Storm, 2019. 8"x10" Acrylic on Canvas. 
Image by Eugene Triguba
"Prairie Sentinal"
Prairie Sentinal email- watermark.jpg

Lightning cracks across the sky, racing through the storm clouds overhead. A wary antelope buck surveys his domain besought by the storm. Should he run?

"Prairie Sentinel", 2019. 18"x24" Acrylic on Canvas
Image by Tim Wilson
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"I Dare You To"

This bull bison stares down his opponent, daring them to call his bluff. Are you brave, or foolish enough, to try?

" I Dare You To", 2018. 30"x48" Acrylic on Canvas
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"Rebel Yell"

Calling out a challenge, this rebellious bull elk treks through the snow in search of a fight or a good time, whichever comes first.

"Rebel Yell', 2018. 16x20 Acrylic on Canvas
Full Moon
"Prairie Moon"

A rare white bison stands watch over his herd in the night, his breath lighting up in the silvery moonlight. 

"Prairie Moon", 2018. 6"x8" Acrylic on Canvas (framed)
Image by Oxana Lyashenko
"Prairie Sun", 2018. 6"x8" Acrylic on Canvas 
"Prairie Sun"

A hot afternoon sun lights up a bull bison in one of Rebecca's mini bison paintings in her prairie bison series. This piece features her first use of metallic paint.

Image by Simon Berger
"Twilight Prince"

Twilight's embrace envelopes the land, and a mature whitetail buck emerges from the trees, the wind rustling, as if to announce his royal presence. 

"Twilight Prince", 2018. 11"x14" Acrylic on Gessoboard
Mountain Range
"Rugged Royalty", 2018. 16"x20" Acrylic on Canvas (framed)
"Rugged Royalty"
Rugged Royalty Frame.jpg
*To purchase this original painting, please contact the artist.

High above the world on a rugged mountaintop, a bighorn ram surveys his territory with regal authority. 

Image by Jon Cartagena
"Champion's Bugle"
Champions Bugle frame.jpg
"Champion's Bugle", 2017. 18"x24" Acrylic on Canvas 

A handsome bull elk steps from the pines trees and onto a sunlit field in Yellowstone, bellowing out his victory over his challenger.

Image by Amy Humphries

"Spring Babies", 2016. 12"x12" Acrylic on Canvas


"Spring Babies
Young twin fawns share a tender moment amongst a field of bright wildflowers
Forest Lake
"A Stroll
through the

Slogging through the water in search of food, a bull moose takes a leisurely stroll through the marsh.

*To purchase this original painting, please contact the artist.

"A Stroll though the Marsh", 2015. 20"x20" Acrylic on Canvas

SALE $400.00

Image by Bryce olsen

"King of the Plains", 2015. 20"x20" Acrylic on Canvas (framed) 


King of the Plains Frame.jpg
"King of the Plains"

A mighty bull bison surveys his herd, his piercing gaze establishing his dominance over the other bulls.

*To purchase this original painting, please contact the artist.
All  painting images ©Rebecca Lynne Kinane, Montana/Wyoming artist
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